about spg

Our Practice


Who We Are

The world of mental health has become increasingly harder to navigate. Simply finding a therapist can leave people filled with a sense of overwhelm and pressure. Who do I choose? How do I know what I need? How can I be sure that my therapist is good?

The arena of psychiatry.

Do I need medication? Will I have to be on it forever? How do I know the person I am seeing is truly seeing me for who I am - and not just pushing medications at me? How do I trust them?

At Shelov Psychology Group (SPG), we have interwoven the disciplines of therapy and psychiatry. Rachelle Ramos, MD and Danielle Shelov, PhD have worked as a team together for 15 years. Their explicit and implicit communication is unparalleled.

What Sets Us Apart?

Over the years we have witnessed the disconnect between therapists and psychiatrists. 

There is an evident problem in care coordination due to varied factors: lack of provider contact, the struggle to get appointments, and potential mismanagement due to an overloaded and complex system. Integrating therapy and psychiatry is at the core of the highest quality of mental health care. The best mental health care approach is when providers work as a team. Recognizing that patients are best served when therapy and psychiatry are connected is our driving force at SPG.  Led by the partnership of Dr. Ramos and Shelov, our patients are given unparalleled clinical care. 

Here at SPG, we care for the whole patient.

Our providers approach all of our patients from a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive picture. Our weekly patient meetings, involving each of our therapists and psychiatrists, ensure that our patient's care is up to the minute.  A seamless flow of information between mental health providers ensures that there is no downtime or confusion. Trust us- we are committed to ensuring you get your life back. The goal is not to be in therapy or on medication forever. The goal is for you to feel better, feel safe in the process, and begin to feel true joy again.

Meet the Providers

  • Danielle V. Shelov

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

  • Rachelle H. Ramos

    Licensed Clinical Psychiatrist

  • Marsha Shelov

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

  • Lauren Murphy

    Licensed Master Social Worker

  • Dr. Adam Zavodnick


We believe that all humans have a story that deserves to
be heard and understood.

Feeling seen and cared for changes your life forever. That is our goal.