
Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder Therapy

We treat each eating disorder with the unique approach required, because every person is different. Dr. Shelov and Ramos have been working in the field of eating for over 30 years (combined) and as a team for 15 years. They are the experts that other professionals turn to for guidance and leadership in the field.

our approach

We believe in a nutrition forward approach, because a starving brain will struggle to be healed.

how we can help

We believe that every person deserves to live a life of freedom from food and body image preoccupation and obsession. We will show you the way.

  • The Work.

Dr. Shelov and Dr. Ramos have been part of the NYC Eating Disorder community for over 15 years. Shelov Psychology Group recognizes the fear that Eating Disorder diagnoses trigger in parents, families, and individuals.  We are here to assuage that fear and provide relief with a clear path toward weight restoration and comprehensive treatment. We believe that eating disorders should not be feared; they should be treated. Directly and Effectively. 

  • Treatment Approach

The approach to treatment is systematic and consistent. Treatment may require working with a team of professionals: a nutritionist, a psychiatrist and a primary care physician with experience in treating eating disorders. Our job is to find this team for you. Once this team is established the therapist serves as the quarterback, keeping the team connected, and meeting with the patient weekly, or perhaps multiple times per week if needed.

The treatment is tailored to each patient, and to each specific eating disorder. We will determine what each patient needs, how to best address and confront their eating disorder, and ultimately find a way to have our patients hear us.

Our Commitment to You

We are committed to helping our patients toward recovery and are incredibly active in the treatment process. We are also accessible. Part of this treatment is teaming up with the family or individual to confront this eating disorder head on. We conceptualize this as outnumbering and outsmarting the eating disorder, until the patient becomes more comfortable waging the fight on their own.