Growth & Renewal

Summer is upon us.

Change is upon us.


For so many people spring and summer are a time of growth. Renewal. Setting new plans and agendas. Goals for ourselves, ambitions, boxes we would love to check and tick off.

Work takes on a less focused feel, the dedication and pencil sharpening of fall is in the rear view, the soldiering experience of winter is no longer the world we are in. The birds are back, the trees are green and expectation is here. 

But guess what?

We are still us.

We are the same humans.

There is an old therapeutic saying, and one that my Mom forever said to me: “We take ourselves with us wherever we go”.

Meaning, whatever we are running from, or think moving places or states will heal, or making some drastic life change will fix, the reality is that we are fundamentally the same.

Unless we address the problems and conflict underneath; the turmoil and ambivalence will persist and we will continue to be the creatures of habit that we are. We will find ourselves in our old patterns. We will be drawn to the cycles that we are trying to break, because are usually most comfortable in what we already know.

Human beings fear the unknown.

Change is hard. Change can be an incredible, wonderful thing- but getting there can be filled with obstacles.

Many look to warm weather as the moment to ease off the gas, to relax and be less intense and directed. I support this.

But- perhaps it is the moment to turn up the knob on introspection and pattern changing?

While work and the world cools off in intensity, maybe now is the time to dive into you?

  • Undoing old patterns, confronting some old demons?

  • Cranking up the volume on the pieces of you that you want to better understand?

  • Tune up and potentially shift?

  • Kick the phone to the curb and focus on actual human interaction with another human. We dare you. 

Let’s do it. Now is the time. Put yourself first now, when you have time and space- and so you can actually feel different when the crisp air of fall arrives. Enjoy getting to know you.

Remember- you take yourself with you wherever you go.

Anchorlight Creative

I help women small business owners by building out websites & creating marketing strategy that works.

Giving Ourselves Grace


SOS: Social Media