Discovering How Starvation Keeps Us Stuck

The chicken and the egg.

What came first, body preoccupation or food restriction?

Food restriction or body preoccupation?

Hmmm. It is impossible to say. But I guarantee they travel together. Birds of a feather… know the rest. The key piece for both is skipping over the messages our body sends us.

We cannot restrict food without being hyperfocused on our body, and hypervigilance of our body leads to restriction.

You don’t need to do it. Just try what it feels like.

Give yourself 14 days.

Eat what you want.

Don’t weigh yourself. 

Don’t check the mirror meticulously to monitor if anything has changed.

Just live and see what happens? What is the worst that can happen?

Just try it. Keep me posted. 

Anchorlight Creative

I help women small business owners by building out websites & creating marketing strategy that works.

Letting Go of Expectations


Celebrate the Diversity of Bodies for a Healthier Self